The 2023 legislative session is already underway in Montana. In Idaho and Washington, lawmakers gavel into session on Monday. Wyoming begins its session on Tuesday.
There are many important issues to debate and discuss. Each state must adopt a budget. Governors will deliver State of the State addresses. Battles over education choice, taxes, homelessness and more will take up much of the oxygen. Through it all, we will be here as a resource for you.
There are certain things we will (and won't) do:
We will stand for freedom, liberty and free markets through our research and recommendations
We won't pressure lawmakers or call people names
We will produce ideas and analysis that inform the debate - and let those ideas do the talking
We won't attend a public hearing unless invited to offer testimony
We will review various proposals and legislation, offering analysis
We won't grade bills or any lawmaker
Bottom line - our focus is on the ideas, not the personalities. To that end, we've produced a study that gives legislators Ten Policy Ideas for the Legislative Sessions. The priorities include:
Education choice for parents
Income tax reform via revenue triggers
Transparency for gas taxes and school budgets
Remote testimony and live-streaming of government meetings
When the dust settles in Boise, Helena, Cheyenne and Olympia this spring, it is our sincere wish that our research empowered you, your family and our region to succeed.