Mountain States Policy Center's Policy Manual is a 200-page guide filled with facts, figures, research and more than 80 recommendations - an invaluable tool for current and future lawmakers, media and the general public.
The manual offers citizens many practical ideas and hope for the future. It will provide media with background and research needed to improve accuracy. And it will offer policymakers of any political persuasion a go-to resource for navigating key issues facing the Mountain West, all rooted in proven, free market solutions.
The Mountain States Policy Manual is structured to provide accessible and comprehensive information on a variety of policy areas. Each section has overviews of the issue, current challenges, policy recommendations, and case studies or examples of successful implementation. ​

Require a supermajority vote for state and local tax increases
Use performance-based budgeting to focus on outcomes
Adopt automatic tax rebates tied to revenue triggers
Use revenue triggers to reduce income tax rates
Move local tax levies and bonds to November general election
Idaho’s controversial grocery tax
Sugary beverage taxes are poor public policy
Adopt a 30-day work requirement for income tax liability
End taxpayer subsidies to government unions
Support efforts to require federal balanced budget amendment
Support efforts to call fiscally focused Convention of the states
Create a Tax Transparency website
Adopt Truth in Taxation to improve property tax accountability
Use taxpayer receipt to provide snapshot of government spending
End political messaging on taxpayer refund checks
Prevent overcollection for school district bond payments
Provide at least 3-day notice of bills scheduled for public hearing
Provide details of policies under consideration
Authorize an open government ombudsman
Require legislative oversight of emergency powers
Prohibit secret negotiations with public sector unions
Consider open primaries without imposing Ranked Choice Voting
Authorize a statewide voters’ guide
Do not join the National Popular Vote compact
Spending more does not equal better outcomes
Focus education funding on results
Put the principal in charge of the school
Provide students and families with Education Savings Accounts or education choice tax credits
Adopt the Public School Transparency Act
Increase the availability of public charter schools
Adopt the College Career Transparency Act
Chapter 5: Economic & Business Climate
Pillars of regulatory reform and oversight
Adopt sunset provisions
Embrace occupational licensing reform
Use competition to reduce workers’ compensation costs
Avoid costly minimum wage increases
Reduce wait times for building permits
Review impact fees for legal validity
Advance market options to improve housing affordability
Provide constitutional protections for the Right to Work
Require health care price transparency
Make telemedicine permanent
Don’t expand the Hospital 340B program without reforms first
Reduce health insurance mandates, offer more insurance options
Abolish certificate of need requirements
Reject further Medicaid expansion
Expand use and availability of Health Savings Accounts
Chapter 7: Technology & Innovation
Use AI to improve government efficiency, save taxpayer money
Protect the internet from misguided “net neutrality” efforts
Expand broadband coverage in a responsible way
Be wary of constitutionally suspect content filter policies
Minimize the regulatory burden imposed on farmers
Protect agricultural water uses and water storage
Balance land development, property rights with necessity of land for food production
Agricultural labor needs to be accessible
Taxes should not unfairly favor or punish farmers
Protect the ability of small farms to thrive
Chapter 9: Land Use & the Environment
Protect the numerous benefits of the Snake River dams
Work to restore more state control over federal land
Demand higher federal PILT reimbursements
Support prescribed burns to help manage forests
Avoid trendy policies that have little environmental benefit
Three keys for responsible transportation spending
The most efficient and effective mass transit options
Adopt Truth in Labeling for gas taxes
Avoid adopting a mileage tax
Resist stifling rideshare regulations