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Marta Mossburg
2 days ago3 min read
Parents and students score big victories in Wyoming and Idaho
Parents and children are two of the biggest victors of this year’s legislative sessions in Wyoming and Idaho with strong backing from...

Donald P. Nielsen
6 days ago3 min read
Time to pull the plug on the Department of Education
For too long, the massive federal bureaucracy has been allowed to grow while becoming less and less efficient in how it spends tax dollars.

Chris Cargill
Feb 262 min read
Great Scott! What Idaho can learn from the fight against charter schools
In 1998, America Online was introducing the nation to the internet. Bill Clinton was president. Michael Jordan was still playing...

Chris Cargill
Feb 202 min read
Idaho families win with passage of education choice expansion
It is rare to see hugs and tears on the floor of the Idaho legislature once a bill is passed. But the joy, in this case, was undeniable.

MSPC Newsroom
Feb 192 min read
HISTORY MADE: Idaho passes universal education choice
H93 provides a $5,000 tax credit to qualifying families for educational expenses including private school tuition. Special needs students co

MSPC Newsroom
Feb 161 min read
BREAKING: President Trump endorses Idaho education choice bill
"This bill, which has my complete and total support, must pass," the president wrote.

Chris Cargill
Feb 132 min read
Homeschooling won't be hurt by education choice - here's the research
The Johns Hopkins Homeschool Research Lab completed a thorough analysis of education choice and whether policy changes in a state including

Chris Cargill
Feb 132 min read
Steps toward funding students, not systems
In Idaho, state funds are distributed based on a mechanism called “support units.” It’s a complex formula that takes into account attendance

MSPC Newsroom
Feb 72 min read
Idaho House passes $50 million parental choice tax credit
HB 93 would provide a $5,000 tax credit to qualifying families for educational expenses including private school tuition. Special needs stud

Chris Cargill
Feb 73 min read
Can getting rid of the U.S. Dept. of Education actually improve education?
The federal Education department employs 4,400 people and costs taxpayers about $70 billion every year - quite a large chunk of change consi

MSPC Newsroom
Feb 52 min read
Idaho committee advances parental choice tax credit
The bill would provide a $5,000 tax credit to qualifying families for educational expenses including private school tuition. Special needs s

Sebastian Griffin
Feb 32 min read
New bill in Idaho would end taxpayer subsidies for teacher union activities
When using taxpayer dollars all of us want that money to be put to work in ways that best benefit our society. This is why tax resources...

Chris Cargill
Jan 302 min read
President’s executive order on ed choice – a call to arms for Idaho?
The president has set the stage, the research confirms the validity of the policy, and our families have shown the need. The only thing left

Marta Mossburg
Jan 273 min read
Open enrollment is the right choice for Wyoming families
What if your address didn’t determine your public school? As WY-TOPP state assessments show, student performance varies widely throughout...

Chris Cargill
Jan 254 min read
Fact check: No, education choice didn’t break Arizona’s budget, and it won’t break Idaho’s either
There's a genuine lack of understanding of what happened in Arizona, and what’s likely to happen here in Idaho if education choice is

Chris Cargill
Jan 222 min read
New Idaho ed choice proposal - just right?
It’s a $50 million program that will offer refundable tax credits of up to $5,000 per child, or $7,500 per child with special needs, to cove

Sebastian Griffin
Jan 202 min read
Taxpayers should not fund government union activities
Public funds should be used to provide essential services and not to subsidize the activities of government unions. This is why taxpayers...

Chris Cargill
Jan 161 min read
Education choice hat trick for Montana?
Over the past two legislative sessions, Montana lawmakers haven't been shy about expanding education choice options for children. And it see

Marta Mossburg
Jan 93 min read
Now is the time for Wyoming to expand Education Savings Accounts
Since the COVID pandemic, the number of homeschooling families has jumped nationally and statewide, as many who were forced into it...

Chris Cargill
Jan 82 min read
Fact check: No, not every cent of a state budget belongs to public schools
Medicaid expansion defunds public schools. Road construction defunds public schools. Fighting forest fires defunds public schools....
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